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Contrasting colours (e-book for tablets)

door Ina ter Avest [E-books voor tablets]

This e-book is only appropriate for usage on the iPad or Android tablets. You can read it with the Free Tablisto App*

Dr. Ina ter Avest hield op donderdag 23 juni 2011 haar lectorale rede bij Hogeschool Inholland te Den Haag.

About this publication:
Not only in Northern Europe, but also in Southern Africa, diversity is articulated more and more with regard to cultural and religious practices. Whereas in Northern Europe processes of secularisation, individualisation and immigration have influenced the growing awareness of diversity, in Southern Africa liberation movements contributed to the development not only of national and ethnic consciousness but also of a stronger sense of different cultural and religious identities. The theme of living together in one country, one social context amidst these differences, has become one of the most urgent themes in relation to the need to create social cohesion. Educators, parents and teachers, face the task to educate their children, pupils and students and develop their competencies to create social cohesion. In this publication educators in the field of Religious Education (RE) describe the efforts that are given in their respective countries to contribute to this pedagogical task. They inform us about the theoretical framework embedding their efforts in curriculum development. They offer us a look behind the scenes, with regard to their theoretical elaborations as well as the practical implications. All in all this publication gives an overview of the state of affairs at the beginning of the twenty first century.

*The Tablisto App is available through the App store for the iPad or the Play Store for the Android tablets.

Deze titel is ook leverbaar als paperback, klik hier voor meer informatie.

ISBN: E9789051797732
Formaat: 165x240 millimeter (b x h)
Omvang: 244 pagina's
Verschenen: 23 juni 2011
